产品名称: carr lane- CARR LANE. - PINS-HOIST RINGS-FEET LEVELING-Spring Loaded Devices-中国区代理商
发布日期: 2016-07-28
点击数: 1504
【产品名称:carr lane- CARR LANE. - PINS-HOIST RINGS-FEET LEVELING-Spring Loaded Devices-中国区代理商 产品编号:CL-3-JFL CL-8-LHRP P-20-16 』
产品种类:Alignment Pins,Hoist Rings,Handles, Knobs, and Screw Clamps,Spring-Loaded Devices ,Supports, Rests, and Feet,Locators,Clamps and Accessories,Plug Gages,Threaded Inserts,
Jig and Fixture Bases,Chuck Jaws,Modular Fixturing,Toggle Clamps,Drill-Jig Bushings,SWIFTSURE Power Workholding.
作为美国carr lane manufacturing Co.公司的中国区代理商,在中国区销售销售carr lane manufacturing Co.产品,并提供产品的保修及相关售前售后提供服务支持。